My role as a research Officer with the Birmingham city council

Birmingham City Council Internship

My role as a research Officer with the Birmingham city council involved talking with families, involved in social services,  about their experiences of the Family group Conference (FGC), a fairly new service offered the Birmingham city council; I collated both quantitative and qualitative data about family member’s experiences and outcome post-service. My responsibilities included generating telephone and face-to-face interview questions, creating further information handouts to leave with families, to contact families’ social workers and conduct interviews. I additionally had the opportunity to attend a FGC (this is a family decision making and planning process, facilitated by an Independent Co-ordinator) intervention meeting and a review meeting to understand the procedure.

Richard Rogerson / Birmingham City Council House, via Wikimedia Commons


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Global Challenge: Steak and procurement in Buenos Aires

Annie Miller, GlaxoSmithKline Procurement Internship (Buenos Aires)


Ian Wilson (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons

My second day in Buenos Aires I started at GSK and was met by Cecilia Linskens. Cecilia is a procurement manager and is whom I will be supporting throughout my internship. Over the last two weeks I have had a great insight into the structure of GSK’s procurement department, learning about the local and global networks in place throughout the company. I have been supporting Cecilia on a particular project regarding the restructuring of GSK’s use of marketing agencies, with particular attention on Brazil. I have been working with Cecilia on putting together a presentation comparing two agencies. In this task I have worked on preparing quantitative and qualitative data to compare the different companies. This has enabled me to learn about how excel is used to collect and show data and how GSK presents this information.

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BUIP Internship: Alumni Relations Project Assistant

BUIP pictureAs an Alumni Relations Project Assistant I have been entrusted with various responsibilities in several projects over the course of my projected 10-week Birmingham Undergraduate Internship Programme (BUIP). After having completed a successful four week internship in Shanghai last summer via the Gateway Bursary provided by donors from alumni, I felt compelled to return the favour by helping the University around enhancing student experience and employability.

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