Global Challenge: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Morocco – Anna Traykova Weeks 6-7

As the end of my internship is quickly approaching I get more and more interested in the work of the HR department at GSK. These two weeks have been busier as I had to complete my final projects and ensure that everything is done correctly. I have been spending most of my time together with the other interns and they have been busy too. The HR dashboard is actually starting to look very good and I am proud of what I have done with it. It was hard to start at first but now I got more confident with it. Working on the dashboard allowed me to develop my Excel and overall IT skills and my organization and communication skills.
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Interning in America: learning about Politics!

ms4I cannot believe that by the end of this week I’ll be half way through my internship! The past week has been a crazy one, and I’ve found myself participating in things I never could have imagined I’d be doing at this age! The Potluck picnic I mentioned in my last blog was a great success. I am pleased to say that we won the Egg & Spoon race, and the three legged race, meaning our team took top place at the end of the day! I took the time to let my American Colleagues in on some British Cuisine, cooking sausage rolls the previous night for them to enjoy! As for the work, it has been so much fun organizing the popup! After reaching out to the Kauffman foundation, and employees at the SDI (Scottish Development Institution) the programme is really taking form.

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Interning in America: Responsibility,networking and volleyball!

ms3I now enter my 3rd Week here at the Consulate and time is flying! I am having a great time out here, it an experience that is both challenging and thoroughly enjoyable. Continue reading